Archive for the ' Culinary '

Sep. 27, 2024 | Posted in Culinary, Reports , | Tags: , Reporter: Tsuyoshi S. | Course: Summer Intensive Course
Italian Home Cooking Summer Course (#2) – Tsuyoshi S.

1-1, 1-2, 1-3 Last Saturday's cultural activity 先週土曜日のcultural activity 1-1 1-2 1-3 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4 Visit Uffizi Gallery and Accademia Gallery on the fi… [Read more]

Sep. 05, 2024 | Posted in Culinary, Reports , | Tags: , Reporter: Tsuyoshi S. | Course: Summer Intensive Course
Italian Home Cooking Summer Course (#1) – Tsuyoshi S.

Crostoni al pomodoro. Simple, delicious, and doubly delicious with the table setting and plates. Crostoni al pomodoro。 シンプルで美味しい、そしてテーブルのセッティングとお皿で美味しさ倍増。 Risotto Zucchine e za… [Read more]

Jun. 01, 2024 | Posted in Culinary, Reports , | Tags: , Reporter: Kairi T. | Course: Italian Culinary Arts
Chef Training Course (#3) – Kairi T

With fellow students of the chef training course. シェフ養成コースの仲間たちと。 With fellow students of the chef training course. シェフ養成コースの仲間たちと。 A fieldwork visit to a salami workshop… [Read more]

May. 26, 2024 | Posted in Culinary, Reports , | Tags: , Reporter: Kairi T. | Course: Italian Culinary Arts
Chef Training Course (#2) – Kairi T

Mr. Francesco, the chief teacher. 主任のフランチェスコ先生。 Like-minded friends are united by a passionate bond that transcends language barriers. 同じ志を持つ仲間は、言葉の壁を超えて熱い絆で結ばれています。 Frie… [Read more]

May. 21, 2024 | Posted in Culinary, Reports , | Tags: , Reporter: Kairi T. | Course: Italian Culinary Arts
Chef Training Course (#1) – Kairi T

A scene from a lesson of the chef training course. Each lesson was full of fresh surprises as the dishes we made changed each time. The veteran chef, Mr. Francesco, helped us a lot! Tasting t… [Read more]

May. 10, 2024 | Posted in Culinary, Reports , | Tags: , Reporter: Y.Y. | Course: Italian Home Cooking
Italian Home Cooking Course (#1) – Y.Y.

I am participating in a one-month Italian home cooking course. It has only been a few days, but I am having a lot of fun. I have quickly become friends with the people in my apartment, and ye… [Read more]

Apr. 27, 2024 | Posted in Culinary, Reports , | Tags: , Reporter: T | Course: Italian Culinary Arts
Italian Chef training / Home Cooking Course (#2) – T

A cute little sandwich shop right near the school. They serve sandwiches with seafood. My friend and I ate there before our practical training and then went out to the cooking school. I had … [Read more]

Apr. 26, 2024 | Posted in Culinary, Reports , | Tags: , Reporter: Kosuke I. | Course: Italian Culinary Arts
Chef Training Course (#2) – Kosuke I

Preparing Italian cuisine at the restaurant where I did my internship. インターンシップ先のレストランでイタリア料理の仕込み中。 This is also the restaurant where I did my internship. A huge amount of mussels!… [Read more]

Apr. 24, 2024 | Posted in Culinary, Reports , | Tags: , Reporter: K.H. | Course: Italian Home Cooking
Italian Home Cooking Course (#1) – K.H.

It was a great experience and made for a fulfilling three weeks! Thank you very much. 「とても良い経験になり、充実した3週間にすることが出来ました! ありがとうございました」 A variety of dishes prepared in the lesson. レッスン… [Read more]

Apr. 20, 2024 | Posted in Culinary, Reports , | Tags: , Reporter: T | Course: Italian Culinary Arts, Italian Home Cooking
Italian Chef training / Home Cooking Course (#1) – T

Image 1 It takes about 40 minutes to walk to the school. If you take a streetcar, it takes 7 stops to the last stop, and from there it is a 10-minute walk. The tram is very convenient because… [Read more]

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