Archive for the ' Reports '

Oct. 18, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Jewelry Making , | Tags: , Reporter: Kyoko T. | Course: Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making Summer Course 2024 (n6) kyoko-T

I have finished carving all the rings. The only thing left to do is the side carving, but I will work as hard as I can. リングを全て彫り終えました。残りはサイドの彫りのみですが、やれる所まで頑張ります。 Today was the la… [Read more]

Oct. 16, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , Reporter: Yuki Y. | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer / Short Course (#16) – Yuki Y

店舗デザインのPLAN作成中に色々な詳細の知識がなくかなりアバウトで大変な作業と感じることが多々あります。先生から窓枠の詳細や設計図、パーツ等の説明を受けますが日本と気候や防犯面等の違いが大きくあるため構造に驚くことがとても多いです。 先生が昔プロジェクトで作成されたプレゼン資料を見せていただきました。 昔… [Read more]

Oct. 14, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Jewelry Making , | Tags: , Reporter: Kyoko T. | Course: Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making Summer Course 2024 (n5) kyoko-T

photo1, 2, 3 Leonardo da Vinci Museum. He is famous for the Mona Lisa, but he has also made many achievements in numerous fields that are relevant today. In the evening, the museum is empty a… [Read more]

Oct. 12, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , Reporter: Yuri T. | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (#3) – Yuri T

photo 1 photo 1, How to spend time after school I was designing a bookshelf for my interior design class, and I was told about a great place to work on it after school. It's called … [Read more]

Oct. 10, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , Reporter: Yumi K. | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (#3) – Yumi K

The Church of Santa Croce, a Gothic-style church that we visited during our art visit. It is said to be called the Pantheon of Florence, where famous Italian personalities are enshrined. … [Read more]

Oct. 09, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Jewelry Making , | Tags: , Reporter: Kyoko T. | Course: Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making Summer Course 2024 (n4) kyoko-T

After school, I visited a quiet mansion along the Costa di San Giorgio with my fellow international students. 学校帰りに留学生仲間とコスタ・ディ・サン・ジョルジョ沿いに建つ閑静な邸宅を見てきました。 It was lovely, with a n… [Read more]

Oct. 07, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , Reporter: Yuki Y. | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer / Short Course (#15) – Yuki Y

サマーコースも終盤で店舗デザインをVectorworksで作成していますが色々内装の素材感で悩む中、マテリアルや先生がデザインされたフェラガモのネクタイやベルト掛けを見せていただき、参考に試行錯誤しながら進めています。Photoshopもイタリア語なので苦戦はしますがピアーノピアーノで。 … [Read more]

Oct. 05, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , Reporter: Yuri T. | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (#2) – Yuri T

photo 1, 2 Santa Maria Novella Church After school on Monday, we went to the Church of Santa Maria Novella. From the lancet arches and stained glass decorations, it is clear that the church … [Read more]

Oct. 04, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , Reporter: Yumi K. | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (#2) – Yumi K

While walking around at Art Visit, I found this balcony to be so nice that I captured it on camera. The artful railing and the windows along the arched shape are lovely. アートビジットにて散策中、このバル… [Read more]

Oct. 02, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Jewelry Making , | Tags: , Reporter: Kyoko T. | Course: Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making Summer Course 2024 (n3) kyoko-T

We made grape torte with our landlady, using lots of grapes that are in season now. It was crispy on the outside and soft and delicious on the inside. 今が旬のぶどうをふんだに使った、ぶどうトルテを大家さんと一緒に作りました… [Read more]

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