Archive for the ' Reports '

Jul. 26, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , Reporter: Yuki Y. | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer / Short Course (#10) – Yuki Y

留学生活も2か月半になり、イタリアやフィレンツェにも慣れてきました。インテリアショップはフィレンツェは少ないですが最近は勉強のためホテルの空間やインテリアコーディネートのコンビネーション等を吸収するため積極的に好きな感性の場に足を運んでイタリアのカラーリング等の感性を吸収するようにしています。 … [Read more]

Jul. 25, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Jewelry Making , | Tags: , Reporter: Rikako F. | Course: Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making Summer Course (#10) – Rikako F

The ring I started making last week is almost finished! 先週から作り始めたリングが完成しそうです Jewelry design class. I had a fear of drawing designs, but in this class, I lost my fear of drawing,… [Read more]

Jul. 24, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , Reporter: Kha Tu TRUONG | Course: Interior Design
Furniture Design One-Year Course (#10) – K T Truong

My teacher gave me a requirement for this week, designing the holder for my bottles. That was a great task as I also needed it to go together with my designed bottles and as I was working on… [Read more]

Jul. 23, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Fashion Design , | Tags: , Reporter: | Course: Fashion Design
Fashion Design Summer Course (#2) – rita n gallego

Pizza with friends. Affogatos with friends. Another perspective of Duomo. Nice-looking fountain. Good-looking statue. Lovely street view. … [Read more]

Jul. 22, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Painting and Drawing , | Tags: , Reporter: Momo H. | Course: Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Summer Course (#2) – Momo H.

I went to the Academia Museum of Art because the museum is free on the first Sunday of every month. I used to draw a lot of plaster figures when I used to attend an art school, so there were r… [Read more]

Jul. 21, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , Reporter: Yuki Y. | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer / Short Course (#9) – Yuki Y

本格的に夏になってきて暑くなってきました。週4ペースでジェラートを食べるようになってしまいました。ジェラートコースの生徒に聞いたフィレンツェ内のハンドメイドで作っているジェラート4軒の内の一つEDWARDさんのジェラートに行きました。ハンドメイドを一回食べると柔らかさとミルキーさの違いがわかってハンドメイドしか食べたくなくなってきます。。。 2か月たって外食も… [Read more]

Jul. 20, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Bag Making & Leather Arts , | Tags: , Reporter: Yang Guk HONG | Course: Bag Making & Leather Arts
Bag Making Summer Course (#9) – Yang Guk HONG

I wanted to finish the bag this week but was unable to move forward. I like the design and am looking forward to completing it. 今週はバッグを完成させたかったのですが、なかなか前に進めずできませんでした。デザインが気にいっていて、完成が楽しみです。 … [Read more]

Jul. 19, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , Reporter: Kha Tu TRUONG | Course: Interior Design
Furniture Design One-Year Course (#9) – K T Truong

Continuing with using Acrylic and the concept from the orange squeezer, I came up with some ideas also for kitchen equipment, this time are bottles. For Renaissance class this week … [Read more]

Jul. 18, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Jewelry Making , | Tags: , Reporter: Rikako F. | Course: Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making Summer Course (#9) – Rikako F

This week I started working on another new ring! This time, instead of following the textbook, I suggested a design I wanted to make and made it! 今週からまた新しいリングの制作にかかりました! 今回は教科書に沿ってではなく、… [Read more]

Jul. 16, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Fashion Design , | Tags: , Reporter: | Course: Fashion Design
Fashion Design Summer Course (#1) – rita n gallego

First lesson of fashion design: “Anni ‘40.” Color palette lesson 1. Color palette lesson 2. Collection “Pomegranate” 1 Collection “Pomegranate” 2. … [Read more]

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