Taxonomy:Student Reporter

Apr. 27, 2015 | Posted in
Reports, Jewelry Making , Student Reporter | Tags:
Yihan Zhang , Jewelry Making
Reporter: Yihan ZHANG | Course:
Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making 8-Art Short:Spring 2015
This week I continued with the ring, and finished the braces 这周我继续制作我的戒指,并且完成了戒指中支撑的结构部分 The brace part was difficult to solder. I made 3 braces for each sides and tried to make sure they were… [Read more]
Apr. 21, 2015 | Posted in
Reports, Jewelry Making , Student Reporter | Tags:
Yihan Zhang , Jewelry Making
Reporter: Yihan ZHANG | Course:
Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making 7-Art Short:Spring 2015
This week I made a new ring with arc shape on the side view. At first, I finished 2 same small rings for the frame of the arc shape. 这周我做了一个侧面为弧形的戒指.首先要做两个一样大小的小型戒指框架。 Then I bent this silver … [Read more]
Apr. 20, 2015 | Posted in
Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Sofia Pollano , Interior Design
Reporter: Sofia Pollano | Course:
Interior Design
Sofia Pollano
Apr. 17, 2015 | Posted in
Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Sofia Pollano , Interior Design
Reporter: Sofia Pollano | Course:
Interior Design
Interior Design 9-Art Short:Spring 2015
Esta semana el profesor nos ayudo a calcular el presupuesto aproximado de nuestros proyectos. Tomando en cuenta todos los materiales y el trabajo para realizarlo. Mientras tanto nosotras trabajamos en… [Read more]
Apr. 13, 2015 | Posted in
Reports, Jewelry Making , Student Reporter | Tags:
Yihan Zhang , Jewelry Making
Reporter: Yihan ZHANG | Course:
Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making 6-Art Short:Spring 2015
This week started the eastern holiday! I decided to stay in Firenze for visiting some nice place inside the city. 这周是复活节假期,我决定留在佛罗伦萨以便于参观市区内的一些景点。 Me and my friends went to the Piazzale Michel… [Read more]
Apr. 13, 2015 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Yi-Chen Chou , Shoemaking
Reporter: Yi-Chen Chou | Course:
Spring 2015: Shoe Making Course 12
1) The antique Fiat 500 is a legend of Italy as it represents the glory of the past. 古董式的飛雅特五百小汽車是義大利的傳奇,因為它代表的是過去的榮景。 2) During my weekend last week, I spent most of my time at home to compl… [Read more]
Sep. 19, 2014 | Posted in
Reports, Bag Making & Leather Arts , Student Reporter | Tags:
Hsiu Ya Chang , Bag Making & Leather Arts
Reporter: Hsiu Ya Chang | Course:
Bag Making & Leather Arts
自分の作業着を作るクラスメート。皮を切る前には自分の身長と合わせる長さを決め、上の部分は型紙を使って銀ペンで描く。 這周同學們自己做了工作用的圍裙,切裁皮革之前必須要先保留符合自己身高長度的皮然後再用銀筆描上上半部的紙型後切裁 かばんを作る最初はかばんの表、横、裏全部デザインして、サイズを決めた後型紙を作る。 做一個包包一開始就要先將正面側面打開的圖全部設計好,然後決定尺寸之… [Read more]