Reporter: Interior Design

Jul. 26, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Yuki Y. | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer / Short Course (#10) – Yuki Y

留学生活も2か月半になり、イタリアやフィレンツェにも慣れてきました。インテリアショップはフィレンツェは少ないですが最近は勉強のためホテルの空間やインテリアコーディネートのコンビネーション等を吸収するため積極的に好きな感性の場に足を運んでイタリアのカラーリング等の感性を吸収するようにしています。 … [Read more]

Jul. 24, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Kha Tu TRUONG | Course: Interior Design
Furniture Design One-Year Course (#10) – K T Truong

My teacher gave me a requirement for this week, designing the holder for my bottles. That was a great task as I also needed it to go together with my designed bottles and as I was working on… [Read more]

Jul. 21, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Yuki Y. | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer / Short Course (#9) – Yuki Y

本格的に夏になってきて暑くなってきました。週4ペースでジェラートを食べるようになってしまいました。ジェラートコースの生徒に聞いたフィレンツェ内のハンドメイドで作っているジェラート4軒の内の一つEDWARDさんのジェラートに行きました。ハンドメイドを一回食べると柔らかさとミルキーさの違いがわかってハンドメイドしか食べたくなくなってきます。。。 2か月たって外食も… [Read more]

Jul. 19, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Kha Tu TRUONG | Course: Interior Design
Furniture Design One-Year Course (#9) – K T Truong

Continuing with using Acrylic and the concept from the orange squeezer, I came up with some ideas also for kitchen equipment, this time are bottles. For Renaissance class this week … [Read more]

Jul. 14, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Yuki Y. | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer / Short Course (#8) – Yuki Y

月曜はフィレンツェは祝日でフェスティバルでした。私はローマにいたので遺跡巡りの続きをして、夜は花火に間に合うようにフィレンツェに戻りました。ローマは2日では見切れません。 フィレンツェの花火。場所をミスしてちょっと小さい。川の塀の上で場所をとって見ましたが凄い人。同時にイタリアのサッカーの試合があり街中はかなり賑わっ… [Read more]

Jul. 12, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Kha Tu TRUONG | Course: Interior Design
Furniture Design One-Year Course (#8) – K T Truong

For the new project this week, my teacher suggested me to start from a material, therefore I decided to choose acrylic because I enjoy the aesthetic of it, can be transparent but can also be… [Read more]

Jul. 10, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Ryogo T. | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (#5) – Ryogo T

Classes this week I was not feeling well this week and could only go to two classes. But I told the teacher what I wanted to do and was able to enter the new Perth class. I really enjoyed the… [Read more]

Jul. 09, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Yuki Y. | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer / Short Course (#7) – Yuki Y

少し暑い日が続いてましたが大家さんが庭でBBQをするとのことで招待いただきBISTECCAといろんなアラカルトな料理をご馳走していただきました。サンジミニャーノの白ワインが凄くおいしかった。外食より手料理が身に沁みました! 今週はイタリアVSスペインというエキサイティングな試合がありました。こちらにきてサッカーがすごく好きになり… [Read more]

Jul. 07, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Kha Tu TRUONG | Course: Interior Design
Furniture Design One-Year Course (#7) – K T Truong

I finished the last step for my second project, the technical drawing. I’m still learning so it’s not the most completed drawing for production but still I’ll make sure to improve it in my n… [Read more]

Jul. 05, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Ryogo T. | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (#4) – Ryogo T

Class Introduction In this week's class, we designed a cash register and a ceiling. As usual, it was very difficult to design in 3D, but we managed to design a cash register. The ceiling desi… [Read more]

Jul. 04, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Yuki Y. | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer / Short Course (#6) – Yuki Y

週末はドイツから来ている友達に会いにボローニャに行ってきました。ボロネーゼ発祥の地ということで勿論ボロネーゼをランチに食べてきました。ここはデザインの先生から進めてもらったお店。30分待ちでした。 インテリアの勉強ということでフィレンツェも色々回りましたがボローニャのほうがインテリアショップは多いかもしれませ… [Read more]

Jul. 01, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Kha Tu TRUONG | Course: Interior Design
Furniture Design One-Year Course (#6) – K T Truong

This week I took a break from school for my trip to Copenhagen, it was my second European country I had been to and I had lots of nice experiences there. My first day arriving to Cope… [Read more]

Jun. 29, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Ryogo T. | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (#3) – Ryogo T

Class Introduction This week I did my first design using 3D since I came to Italy. It was fun just to make something three dimensional that I have been making on a flat surface! But I haven't… [Read more]

Jun. 28, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Yuki Y. | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer / Short Course (#5) – Yuki Y

今週はずっと同じく個人邸の造作家具の図面を作成中です。なかなか細かいところまでOKがいかずまだまだ勉強不足です。。理解度が足りないので日本から参考書を購入し、わからないところを少し復習しなければなりません。。。 イタリアと日本は住宅事情等も違うので驚かされることも多々あります。 課外授業でLUCCAに行きました。とても素敵な街並みで“サン・ミケー… [Read more]

Jun. 20, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Kha Tu TRUONG | Course: Interior Design
Furniture Design One-Year Course (#5) – K T Truong

This fourth week in Florence I had plenty interesting activities! This week I concentrated on working on my project because next week as planned I would go to Copenhagen for a design … [Read more]

Jun. 16, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Yuki Y. | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer / Short Course (#4) – Yuki Y

最近イタリアにきて少しずつ慣れてきて”カプチーノにビスコッティを入れて食べる”という毎朝の習慣がついてかぶれてきました。(笑)イタリア人はカプチーノは食後は飲まないそうです。(笑) 木材と素材についての授業。なかなか珍しい商材もありアクリルに植物が入っている(藁等)物など日本にないものもあり面白かった。実際使ってみたいものがあるのでショールームがあ… [Read more]

Jun. 14, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Kha Tu TRUONG | Course: Interior Design
Furniture Design One-Year Course (#4) – K T Truong

This fourth week in Florence I had plenty interesting activities! I moved to my new project this week on designing a console table. Also this week the teacher gave us a lesson about m… [Read more]

Jun. 12, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Ryogo T. | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (#2) – Ryogo T

Class Introduction This week's interior design class included a lesson on materials. The teacher prepared reference materials such as wood, metal, and stone, and explained their advantages an… [Read more]

Jun. 08, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Kha Tu TRUONG | Course: Interior Design
Furniture Design One-Year Course (#3) – K T Truong

Third week in Florence has passed and it was also an exciting week! My first project came to some last steps during this week. After completing the shape of the shelf, I moved to the … [Read more]

Jun. 05, 2024 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Yuki Y. | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer / Short Course (#3) – Yuki Y

今週もずっと引き続き家具図面等を進めています。なかなか苦戦中です。 アイデアや過去の卒業生の作品、先生の作品を参考に少しづつ作成しています。 課外授業で今週もフィレンツェの街の中のダンテゆかりの場所を歩き、それぞれ説明をしていただきました。ダンテはフィレンツェではかなりの重要人物で生家やゆかりの教会等それぞれ説明を聞きますがなかなか深すぎました。… [Read more]

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