Reporter: Italian Home Cooking

May. 10, 2024 | Posted in Culinary, Reports , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Y.Y. | Course: Italian Home Cooking
Italian Home Cooking Course (#1) – Y.Y.

I am participating in a one-month Italian home cooking course. It has only been a few days, but I am having a lot of fun. I have quickly become friends with the people in my apartment, and ye… [Read more]

Apr. 24, 2024 | Posted in Culinary, Reports , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: K.H. | Course: Italian Home Cooking
Italian Home Cooking Course (#1) – K.H.

It was a great experience and made for a fulfilling three weeks! Thank you very much. 「とても良い経験になり、充実した3週間にすることが出来ました! ありがとうございました」 A variety of dishes prepared in the lesson. レッスン… [Read more]

Apr. 20, 2024 | Posted in Culinary, Reports , | Tags: , , | Language:
Reporter: T | Course: Italian Culinary Arts, Italian Home Cooking
Italian Chef training / Home Cooking Course (#1) – T

Image 1 It takes about 40 minutes to walk to the school. If you take a streetcar, it takes 7 stops to the last stop, and from there it is a 10-minute walk. The tram is very convenient because… [Read more]

Apr. 19, 2024 | Posted in Culinary, Reports , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: R.U. | Course: Italian Home Cooking
Italian Home Cooking Course (#1) – R.U.

A scene from the lesson. We learned a lot of heartwarming home cooking. レッスンの様子。心温まる家庭料理をたくさん学びました。 An optional visit to a wine cellar. A historic wine … [Read more]

Apr. 10, 2024 | Posted in Culinary, Reports , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Kunihiko I. | Course: Italian Home Cooking
Italian Home Cooking Course (#3) – Kunihiko I

This is a scene from a lesson. We cooked many dishes using a variety of ingredients. レッスンの様子です。 さまざまな食材を使って、多くの料理を手掛けました。 Italian cuisine is different from the tomato-flavored … [Read more]

Apr. 01, 2024 | Posted in Culinary, Reports , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Kunihiko I. | Course: Italian Home Cooking
Italian Home Cooking Course (#2) – Kunihiko I

A scene from the lesson. We tried various dishes. レッスンの様子です。 様々な料理に挑戦しました。 Salads are totally different from the ones made in Japan. The amount of olives is amazing. サラダも日本… [Read more]

Mar. 31, 2024 | Posted in Culinary, Reports , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Tomoko Y. | Course: Italian Home Cooking
Italian Home Cooking Course (#1) – Tomoko Y

イタリア・フィレンツェで2ヶ月間の家庭料理コースを受講しました。 イタリアで日本では珍しい食材に出会い、国籍、年齢、性別を問わないクラスメイトたちと談笑しながら、先生から直に様々なことを学ぶことができました。 留学期間を充実させるべく、家庭料理コース以外にも ・手打ちパスタのレッスン ・名店の仕込み見学 ・ピザ&フォカッチャレッスン ・キャンティのワイン蔵訪… [Read more]

Mar. 21, 2024 | Posted in Culinary, Reports , | Tags: , | Language:
Reporter: Kunihiko I. | Course: Italian Home Cooking
Italian Home Cooking Course (#1) – Kunihiko I

This second time, I took a 4-week course in Italian home cooking with Japanese interpretation. 2回目の今回は、日本語通訳付きイタリア家庭料理4週間コースを受講しました。 A scene from the lesson. Lots of tomato sauc… [Read more]

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