Accademia Riaci
Student Reports

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Nationality: Malaysia
Course: Interior Design
Program: One-Year Course
Period: Sep. 4, 2017 - Apr. 27, 2018

I recently graduated Diploma in Interior Design from The One Academy Sunway. For the past three years, I’ve sparked my design interest to next level. I’ve involved in planning and designing interior setting for residential, office, retail, restaurant and exhibition. I’ve been also adept at multiple design software such as Autodesk AutoCAD, 3D-modeling, Visualization, Animation, Adobe Photoshop, Power Point, and hand-sketches. I am a member of Malaysia Institute of Interior Designers (MIID). Besides that, I’ve done the freelance about the 3d-modeling, residential design and construction drawing during my life in college. I also completed my internship during May to August 2017. This experience made me learn the communication skill and understand what the design industry needs. I hope I can get some useful knowledge and experience in Accademia Riaci.

The One Academy Sunwayでインテリアデザイン専攻を卒業しました。この3年間でデザインへの興味は次のレベルに達しました。住居、オフィス、店、レストラン、展示会の内部設計のプランニングやデザインに関わりました。さらに、Autodesk AutoCAD、3D-modeling、 Visualization、Animation、Adobe Photoshop、Power Point、hand-sketchesといった多くのデザインソフトウェアを使いこなせるようになりました。Malaysia Institute of Interior Designers (MIID)の会員です。それとは別に在学中、3D造形、住宅デザイン、構造設計図のフリーランスとして活動しました。さらに、2017年の5月から8月まではインターンを行いました。この経験によって、デザイン産業が何を求めているのかを理解し、コミュニケーション能力を向上する事ができました。アカデミアリアチで有益な知識と経験を得る事ができればと思います。

Mar. 02, 2018 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags:, Reporter: Juan ZHI YANG | Course: Interior Design

Interior Design 8-One Year Course 2017(Student1)

Welcome back to school
In my interior design course a new project is coming. But I haven’t come out with any idea yet. So this week, every classe, I kept sketching. Professor also guided me by using the way he designed, and showed me a lot of examples how others peoples create their own style. 31st October is halloween, the street was quite fun. Although there were not much of events but I saw a lot of people with their custom and make up for the halloween. 1st November is the National day, at the same time, I was rushing the residential design freelance project. The weather turned cold, very cold. I got flu on Monday, but for the attendance I have to enter the class haha.

By the way, Rome was quite fun. We visited a lot of famous places in Rome like Colosseo. We also travel to Napoli, I though that was a beach there but actually no, it was a port. Sad…












Furniture Design One-Year Course (#13) – K T Truong

Due to the help of the professor, I was able to mo…
Language:   Reporter: Kha Tu TRUONG
Course: Interior Design

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Graphic Design Illustration Short Course (#04) – Roanne D.

This is my last week of class. We studied a variety …
Language:   Reporter: Roanne Descallar
Course: Graphic Design

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Furniture Restoration Summer Course (#1) – tsugumi-n

Working in class. 授業で作業をしているところ。 In cl…
Language:   Reporter: Tsugumi N.
Course: Woodworking

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At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.

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