Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
Read all class reports from our students!
Sofia Pollano
Nationality: Mexican
Course: Interior Design
Program: Short course
Period: Feb. 9, 2015 - May 9, 2015
After studying Industrial Design in Guadalajara, Mexico , I came to Italy to take a short course of Interior Design . Previously I took a course in Jewellery Design and I like it a lot but I’m also interested in interior design. That's why I came to Accademia Riaci to specialize a little bit more.
Mar. 31, 2015 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:Sofia Pollano, Interior DesignReporter: Sofia Pollano | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design 7-Art Short:Spring 2015
El proyecto ya casi está terminado, nos encontramos en la etapa de materiales e iluminación.
The Project is almost finished , we are at the stage of materials and lighting.
Esta semana aprendimos sobre el acrílico y sus funciones, diferentes tamaños, grosores, texturas y colores.
This week we learned about acrylic and its functions, different sizes, textures and colors
Clase de diseño industrial, revisando el trabajo del alumno
Class of industral design, reviewing student work
Yuki y el profesor revisando diferentes tipos de texturas para la pared
The teacher is showing Yuki different types of colors and textures for the wall
Jewelry Making Summer Course 2024 (n1) kyoko-T
I live with my landlord on the 3rd floor of a beau…
Reporter: Kyoko T.
Jewelry Making
Italian Home Cooking Summer Course (#1) – Tsuyoshi S.
Crostoni al pomodoro.
Simple, delicious, and doub…
Reporter: Tsuyoshi S.
Summer Intensive Course
Jewelry Making Summer Course (#4) – nanao f
I went to Barcelona over the weekend. Barcelona is a…
Reporter: Nanao F.
Jewelry Making
At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.