Accademia Riaci
Student Reports

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Nationality: Malaysia
Course: Interior Design
Program: One-Year Course
Period: Sep. 4, 2017 - Apr. 27, 2018

I am Chong Wei Chen and nickname is Kenny, from Malaysian. Currently, I am in my 3rd year studying Diploma of Interior Design at The One Academy. The One Academy of Communication Design was established as a private art college and The One Academy of Communication Design was location at Bandar Sunway city, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I am enjoy studying things that were related to interior construction and also interested in creative design.

I had two years of teaching experience in arts and have performed in a range of freelance design project such as 3D rando and cafes. Besides, I have been taking part in several arts competitions that were held in Malaysia. The most impressive outcome was I have placed in the 2nd in the International Art & Design Competition 2017 and so why I am here to study.

Although I have a good base in the study field and I am hardworking, active, very reliable and take direction easily. At last, I hope I am studying for here got learn something different or new design and I am also come to know about the culture at here. I hope everything will turn out to is all right. Thanks.

マレーシア出身のChong Wei Chen、ニックネームはKennyです。The One Academyでインテリア・デザイン専攻の3年生です。The One Academy of Communication Designは私立の芸術学校として設立され、マレーシア、クアラルンプールのバンダー・サンウェイにあります。内部構造に関わる事を勉強するのは楽しく、クリエイティブデザインにも興味があります。
アートを教えた経験が2年間あり、フリーランスとして3D Randoやカフェのデザインプロジェクトにも関わりました。それとは別に、マレーシアで行われたいくつかのアートコンペティションにも関わりました。最も素晴らしい成果としては、国際アート&デザインコンペティション2017で2位に入賞した事で、それが私がここで学んでいる理由です。

Nov. 17, 2017 | Posted in Reports, Interior Design , | Tags:, Reporter: Chong WEI CHEN | Course: Interior Design

Interior Design 1 -One Year Course 2017(Student3)

This is my first student report in Florence, and I am going to present my life in Florence and my school life’s also.
First of all, my classmate I don’t know how many people in our class, but the thing is I just saw only around 6 or 7 people in our classroom (Figure 1). There are some come from Japan and Malaysia.


Figure 1: This is our classroom (Having interior design class)

And our lecture is nice person, and our first lesson them intro about the interior design which is how many years different of design style, saving the place, and some famous architecture, etc. After this we are going start our first project design which is resident design (Figure 2).


Figure 2: Furniture Layout Plan (Start planning the space)

And Basic lesson, is a nice woman teacher, are friendly and nice lecture. For our first lesson, she introduced about the Florence city, and all-around church in Florence. This basic lesson let us know more about how come Florence and Florence history.

And I am going introduce Florence, their cultural and history.
The Arno River runs through the center of Florence. (Figure 3) (Figure 3.1)(Figure 3.2)(Figure 3.3). Florence is the capital of the region of Tuscany, on Italy’s north-west coast. The cultural and historical impact of Florence is overwhelming. However, the city is one of Italy’s most atmospheric and pleasant, retaining a strong resemblanceto the small late-medieval center that contributed so much to the cultural and political development of Europe.
Roma is a historical hot-pot, Florence is like stepping back into a Fiat and Vespa-filled Renaissance: the shop-lined Ponte Vecchio, the trademark Duomo, the gem-filled Uffizi Gallery, the turreted Piazza della Signoria and the Medici Chapels.



(Figure 3: The Arno River runs through the center of Florence)

(Figure 3.1: The Arno River runs through the center of Florence)

(Figure 3.2: The Arno River runs through the center of Florence)

(Figure 3.3: The Arno River runs through the center of Florence)

Duomo cathedral (Figure 4) The remarkable Duomo, with its pink, white and green marble (Figure 5), dominates the city’s skyline. The building took almost two centuries to build (and even then the facade wasn’t completed until the 19th century), and is the fourth-largest cathedral in the world. The enormous dome was designed by Brunelleschi, and its interior features frescoes and stained-glass windows by some of the Renaissance-era’s best: Vasari, Zuccari, Donatello, Uccello and Ghiberti. Take a deep breath and climb up to take a closer look, and you’ll be rewarded by fantastic views of the city and an insight into how the dome was so cleverly constructed – without scaffolding. The dome still defines the scale of the city, and no building in town is taller.


(Figure 4: Duomo cathedral in Florence)

(Figure 5: Duomo cathedral in Florence / how much colour in this building?)

This is the church just 1 minutes away from my hostel, which is the main church of Florence, Italy. Il Duomo di Firenze, as it is ordinarily called, was begun in 1296 in the Gothic style with the design of Arnolfo di Cambio and completed structurally in 1436 with the dome engineered by Filippo Brunelleschi. The exterior of the basilica is faced with polychrome marble panels in various shades of green and pink bordered by white and has an elaborate 19th-century Gothic Revival façade by Emilio De Fabris.

(Figure 6: Duomo cathedral in Florence / Front view)

Bandinelli’s Hercules and Cacus can be found in Piazza della Signoria (Figure 7)(Figure 8). Florence was founded as a colony of the Etruscan city of Fiesole in about 200 BC, later becoming the Roman Florentia, a garrison town controlling the Via Flaminia. In the 13th century the pro-papal Guelphs and pro-imperial Ghibellines started a century-long bout of bickering, which wound up withthe Guelphs forming their own government in the 1250s. By 1292 Florence eventually becoming a commercial republic controlled by the Guelph-heavy merchant class.In the latter part of the 14th century the Medicis began consolidating power, eventually becoming bankers to the papacy . Florence became capital of the Kingdom, and remained so until Rome took over in 1875.


(Figure 7: Piazza della Signoria in Florence)

(Figure 8: Bandinelli’s Hercules and Cacus)

Florence used to be badly damged by war and floods (in 1966), fortunately the salvage operation led to the widespread use of modern restoration techniqueswhich have saved artworks throughout the country.

In my conclusion, I am stay Florence city almost 3 or 4 weeks ago. And this is what I am doing in this week just walk around Florence what I know and doing my assignment (homework). At last, I am going planning next week go visit pisa. Thanks.




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At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.

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