Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
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Nationality: Portugal
Course: Art Management
Program: Master Course
Period : Sep.7,2015-Apr.22,2016
Oct. 08, 2015 | Posted in Reports, Art Management , Student Reporter | Tags:Jacqueline Vong, Art ManagementReporter: JACQUELINE VONG | Course: Art Management
Art Management 4-Master Course 2015
Art Management Master Course: Project Management and Nouveau Realisme
After Museum, this week we go into another subject – Project Management. Project Management includes all the activities necessary to plan and manage the stage of a project. Basically, it is a tool and management technique to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria. Under the main theme Project Management, we study the methodology of the company wide project management, stage of project, Gantt chart, Flowchart, program evaluation and review technique (PERT Network Chart) and organizational structure. As I was a producer in some dance projects in Macau, therefore I am assigned to choose one of the three mentioned charts among, apply it to one of my past dance projects to indicate the production progress, this assignment would be a practical example which helps to comprehend efficiently.
博物管之後,這星期我們進入另一主題 - 項目管理。項目管理包括所有必需的活動以規劃和管理項目進程。基本上,它是一個工具和管理技術以實現特定的目的及達到特定的成功標準。在項目管理主題下,我們研究了項目管理方法論、項目階段、甘特圖、流程圖、計劃評估及檢閱技術 (PERT網路圖),以及編制結構。過去我在澳門曾擔任多個舞蹈項目的監製職位,因此我本週的功課是選用上述已學的三種圖表其中一種,運用於我過去工作的其中一個舞蹈項目當中說明其製作進度,可作為實踐圖表例子,有助融會貫通。
The second content of this week simply introduced “Nouveau Realisme” (New Realism), which refers to an artistic movement founded in 1960 by the art critic Pierre Restany and the painter Yves Klein during the art exhibition at the Apollinaire gallery in Milan.
本週的另一個內容簡單介紹了“Nouveau Realisme”(新現實主義),指的是於1960年由藝術評論家皮埃爾里斯坦尼和畫家伊夫·克萊因在米蘭阿波利奈爾畫廊藝術展期間成立的藝術運動。藝術家以物體都以其特殊之實踐方法展現﹐把現實物佔為己有的從事表達,意圖記錄社會學上的實在性。
After classes I spent a while in the classroom for reviewing the subjects.
During lunch break, usually I take a cup of coffee, eat something delicious or walking around the city to refresh my mind, then ready for the afternoon class.
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Working in class.
In cl…
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Two shots with the teachers who taught me
Thanks …
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Glass Art
At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.