Archive for the ' Art Management '

Apr. 29, 2016 | Posted in
Reports, Art Management , Student Reporter | Tags:
Jacqueline Vong , Art Management
Reporter: JACQUELINE VONG | Course:
Art Management
Art Management 27-Master Course 2015
Art Management Master Course: Organizational Culture Organizational Culture refers to an organization's internal recognition of common values, rituals, symbols, beliefs and ways of doing things tha… [Read more]
Apr. 21, 2016 | Posted in
Reports, Art Management , Student Reporter | Tags:
Jacqueline Vong , Art Management
Reporter: JACQUELINE VONG | Course:
Art Management
Art Management 26-Master Course 2015
Art Management Master Course: Cultural Entrepreneurship Cultural Entrepreneurship is the focus in this week. Cultural Entrepreneurship is cultural change agents who organize cultural, financial, so… [Read more]
Apr. 11, 2016 | Posted in
Reports, Art Management , Student Reporter | Tags:
Jacqueline Vong , Art Management
Reporter: JACQUELINE VONG | Course:
Art Management
Art Management 25-Master Course 2015
Art Management Master Course: Transformational Vs. Transactional Leadership, and Copyright Before Easter holiday, we studied Situational Leadership, this week we focus on Transformational Leadershi… [Read more]
Mar. 31, 2016 | Posted in
Reports, Art Management , Student Reporter | Tags:
Jacqueline Vong , Art Management
Reporter: JACQUELINE VONG | Course:
Art Management
Art Management 24-Master Course 2015
Art Management Master Course: Leadership This week, we enter one of the important elements of management – Leadership, is both a research area and a practical skill, regarding to the ability of an … [Read more]
Mar. 15, 2016 | Posted in
Reports, Art Management , Student Reporter | Tags:
Jacqueline Vong , Art Management
Reporter: JACQUELINE VONG | Course:
Art Management
Art Management 23-Master Course 2015
Art Management Master Course: Arts Marketing of Gallery Last week, we studied the theories and strategies of arts marketing. This week, we particularly focus on the arts marketing of gallery. There… [Read more]
Mar. 10, 2016 | Posted in
Reports, Art Management | Tags:
Jacqueline Vong , Art Management
Reporter: JACQUELINE VONG | Course:
Art Management
Art Management 22-Master Course 2015
Art Management Master Course: Arts Marketing & Crowdfunding First part, Art Marketing. We read the theories of Arts Marketing by Keith Diggle and François Colbert. 第一部份,藝術行銷。我們閱讀了Keith Diggle及Fr… [Read more]
Mar. 01, 2016 | Posted in
Reports, Art Management , Student Reporter | Tags:
Jacqueline Vong , Art Management
Reporter: JACQUELINE VONG | Course:
Art Management
Art Management 21-Master Course 2015
Art Management Master Course: Press Release & Museum-Merchandising Last week, we learnt the structural elements and writing technique of press release and review. Then we had to write a review abou… [Read more]
Feb. 24, 2016 | Posted in
Reports, Art Management , Student Reporter | Tags:
Jacqueline Vong , Art Management
Reporter: JACQUELINE VONG | Course:
Art Management
Art Management 20-Master Course 2015
Art Management Master Course: Journal Communication & Preparation of the Exhibition Space Journal Communication & Preparation of the Exhibition Space are the subjects of this week. First, in the pa… [Read more]
Feb. 16, 2016 | Posted in
Reports, Art Management , Student Reporter | Tags:
Jacqueline Vong , Art Management
Reporter: JACQUELINE VONG | Course:
Art Management
Art Management 19-Master Course 2015
Art Management Master Course: Pricing an Artwork and Reading an Artwork Topics of this week are Pricing an Artwork and Reading an Artwork. First, in the section of Pricing an Artwork (painting, pri… [Read more]
Feb. 12, 2016 | Posted in
Reports, Art Management , Student Reporter | Tags:
Jacqueline Vong , Art Management
Reporter: JACQUELINE VONG | Course:
Art Management
Art Management 18-Master Course 2015
Art Management Master Course: Art Education Topic of this week is Art Education, three ways to actualize art education are: school, professional training, and museum. 1. School: - art history e… [Read more]