Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
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Nationality: Portugal
Course: Art Management
Program: Master Course
Period : Sep.7,2015-Apr.22,2016
Jan. 19, 2016 | Posted in Reports, Art Management , Student Reporter | Tags:Jacqueline Vong, Art ManagementReporter: JACQUELINE VONG | Course: Art Management
Art Management 15-Master Course 2015
Art Management Master Course: European Project Planning & Europe 2020
The second semester starts after the holidays, this week the lesson is about European Project Planning and Europe 2020. First, there are two types of project in the sector of European Project, one is general project and the other is European Union project. In the topic of European Project Planning, we study the system of rules and values of the team, diverse priority, and admission criteria. Next, another topic of this week is Europe 2020, which is a 10-year strategy proposed by the European Commission for helping the European Union to become a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy. In this part, we study Europe 2020’s 5 main targets (employment, innovation, education, social inclusion and climate/energy) and flagship initiatives.
假期後是第二個學期開始,本週的課堂是關於歐洲項目規劃及Europe 2020。首先,歐洲項目的部份有一般項目及歐盟項目两類項目。在歐洲項目規劃的題目中,我們學習團隊的規則和價值觀、不同的優先考慮和錄取標準。接下來,本週的另一個課題是Europe 2020,這是一個由歐盟委員會提出的10年發展策略,幫助歐盟成為一個精明、可持續和包容性的經濟結構。在這部分,我們學習Europe 2020的5個主要目標 (就業、創新、教育、社會包容及氣个/能源)及重要倡議。
Besides the new semester of school, I start my internship with a gallery named Galleria D’arte Mentana in Florence. The first week of my internship, I help to put the paintings in order, and I am asked to search and contact some contemporary artists for the next year exhibition held by the gallery.
除了學校新學期開始,我也在佛羅倫斯一畫廊Galleria D’arte Mentana開始實習。第一星期的實習,是幫忙整理畫作,以及為畫廊明年舉行的展覽搜尋及聯絡一些當代藝術家。
The gallery gives me their year 2016 calendar as a souvenir at my first day of internship.
Galleria D’arte Mentana is holding a painting, sculpture and photography exhibition “Mentana in Florence” until 26th of January 2016.
Hours: 11:00-13:00; 16:00-19:30 Sunday and Monday morning closed.
Address: Piazza Mentana, 2, 50122 Firenze
Galleria D’arte Mentana 正在舉行一繪畫、雕塑及攝影展 “Mentana in Florence” 直至2016年1月26日。
時間:11:00-13:00; 16:00-19:30 星期日及星期一早上休息。
地止:Piazza Mentana, 2, 50122 Firenze
I made a dessert “Custard” last week, it is easy to make and tasty. Ingredient: 2 eggs, 250ml warmed milk, sugar (quantity of sugar according to your needs). Then, mix all ingredients together in the bowl, cover with aluminum foil and steam for 10 minutes, and here it is!
上星期我造了一甜點燉蛋,造法簡單又美味。材料:雞蛋两雙、暖鮮奶250毫升、糖 (數量隨個人需要)。之後將所有材料放碗內攪拌一起,覆蓋錫紙及隔水蒸10分鐘,這樣就完成了!

Bag Making Summer Course (#16) – Yang Guk HONG
The production of the second bag has started.
This …
Reporter: Yang Guk HONG
Bag Making & Leather Arts

Bag Making Summer Course (#15) – Yang Guk HONG
This week we started hand sewing classes.
I purchas…
Reporter: Yang Guk HONG
Bag Making & Leather Arts

Furniture Design One-Year Course (#13) – K T Truong
Due to the help of the professor, I was able to mo…
Reporter: Kha Tu TRUONG
Furniture Design
At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.