Archive for the ' Textile Design '

Nov. 26, 2024 | Posted in
Reports, Textile Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Lam C.Y. , Textile Design
Reporter: Lam C.Y. | Course:
Textile Design
Textile Design Summer Course (#1) – Lam C.Y.
A work created in class! I finally completed it while being taught by a veteran teacher! 授業で作った作品! ベテランの先生から教えてもらいながら作成してようやく完成しました! We also made other works! There is a lot o… [Read more]
Apr. 28, 2024 | Posted in
Reports, Textile Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Tomomi W , Textile Design
Reporter: Tomomi W. | Course:
Textile Design
Textile Design Short Course (#25) – Tomomi W
On the morning of April 14, I returned to Japan. This is Dr. Alexandro saying, “Make a postcard as your masterpiece and send it to the gallery. And one to me.” Reproduction of Umberto Boc… [Read more]
Apr. 16, 2024 | Posted in
Reports, Textile Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Tomomi W , Textile Design
Reporter: Tomomi W. | Course:
Textile Design
Textile Design Short Course (#24) – Tomomi W
During the Pasqua vacation I reworked a painting I did 5 months ago. I will leave this in my painting class, so please come see it. Pasqua休暇中に5ヶ月前に描いた絵を直しました。これは絵画のクラスに置いていくので、ぜひ見に来てください。… [Read more]
Mar. 30, 2024 | Posted in
Reports, Textile Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Tomomi W , Textile Design
Reporter: Tomomi W. | Course:
Textile Design
Textile Design Short Course (#23) – Tomomi W
The floral luncheon mat is completed! 花柄のランチョンマットが完成しました! Men's T-shirts are produced. First, I draw the image on paper and decide the placement and size. メンズTシャツを製作します。まず紙にイメ… [Read more]
Mar. 20, 2024 | Posted in
Reports, Textile Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Tomomi W , Textile Design
Reporter: Tomomi W. | Course:
Textile Design
Textile Design Short Course (#22) – Tomomi W
I have been painting flowers for 18 hours this week and am nearing completion. 今週は18時間ほど花を描き続け、完成が間近となってきました。 Assuming a 23cm-diameter plate as the center of the painting, I adde… [Read more]
Mar. 10, 2024 | Posted in
Reports, Textile Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Tomomi W , Textile Design
Reporter: Tomomi W. | Course:
Textile Design
Textile Design Short Course (#21) – Tomomi W
I finished the floral pattern for the assignment given by Ms. Gioia. ジョイヤ先生から頂いた課題の花柄が完成しました。 Now I am practicing drawing a floral pattern without a rough sketch. 今は下絵を描かずに花柄を… [Read more]
Mar. 08, 2024 | Posted in
Reports, Textile Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Tomomi W , Textile Design
Reporter: Tomomi W. | Course:
Textile Design
Textile Design Short Course (#20) – Tomomi W
Me working with Ms. Gioia, part 1. Under the influence of seeing the carnival the other day, I wanted to paint something very bright, so I decided to make a T-shirt with a sun pattern. ジ… [Read more]
Feb. 28, 2024 | Posted in
Reports, Textile Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Tomomi W , Textile Design
Reporter: Tomomi W. | Course:
Textile Design
Textile Design Short Course (#19) – Tomomi W
Textile design lessons started this week. The teacher is Ms. Gioia, who also taught us in the painting course. The brush strokes and other techniques we have learned so far can be applied to… [Read more]
Sep. 27, 2013 | Posted in
Reports, Fashion Design, Textile Design | Tags:
Autumn clothes
Ciao! Recently it’s getting a bit cooler out there, you feel it’s time to wear long-sleeved cardigans or wrap yourself up in something warm. I love this time of the year! While during the summer peo… [Read more]
Aug. 31, 2013 | Posted in
Reports, Fashion Design, Graphic Design, Interior Design, Product Design, Textile Design | Tags:
Why study Design in Italy?
When one talks about DESIGN, Italy is one of the first places that come to attention. Italy is recognized as being a worldwide trendsetter and leader in design, applied also to fashion and architectur… [Read more]