Accademia Riaci
Student Reports

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Nationality: Taiwan
Course: Shoe Making
Program: Atelier Course
Period: Sep. 4, 2017 – Apr. 27, 2018

Shiau-Ting, Li. Shoes designer from Taiwan.
After working in Taiwanese footwear industry for three and a half years, she came to Firenze to study shoes making course, the city which is famous for leather art and shoes.
Although she already has basic aesthetics and sketching technique background from university (B.A.), yet she hopes to extend her shoe-making skills here in Riaci. She believes designer can deliver their thoughts through their works, hoping to keep motivate people with her designs.



Apr. 21, 2017 | Posted in Reports, Shoemaking , | Tags:, Reporter: Li SHIAU-TING | Course: Shoemaking

Shoe Making 25-Master Course 2016 (Student1)


In this week, I eventually enter the main point of Norwegian construction- Norwegian hand stitching. Norwegian construction is a stitching upper and insole without welts. The typically Norwegian has decoration thread twist around the main thread, so, compare to Goodyear construction, it looks more elegant. I chose to stitching my boots whole around with thread, I hope my shoes look more solid.

今週は、ついにノルヴェジェーゼ製法の重要なポイント、手縫いの工程に入りました。 ノルベジェーゼは、縫い目のないアッパーとインソールを使用しています。 典型的なノルヴェジェーゼには、ねじった装飾糸を使うため、グッドイヤーに比べて、よりエレガントに見えます。 私はブーツの周囲をこの糸で縫うことにしました。がっしりとした仕上がりになるといいのですが。

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The red and green stuff was made for helping me organize the decoration thread. At first I was wondering what it was for. Angelo picked it up and pretend he tried to bite it. It was chocolate, Angelo said it with joke.

赤と緑のものは装飾糸を作る補助となるものです。 最初は何のために必要なのかと思っていたら、アンジェロ先生が、チョコレートだと言ってこれを食べるふりをしました。冗談だったみたいです。

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Angelo正在幫我處理最後的縫線。在起針跟結尾的地方比較特別,因此Angelo一再叮嚀這兩個重要步驟要呼叫他。我用我不是很流利的義大利文呼喊:我完成了! 再加上幾個比手畫腳。這是我們平常的溝通方式,很高興我們漸漸形成某種默契,讓我了解他嚴厲下的體貼。

Angelo was helping me to finish the Norwegian stitch. The beginning and the end was a little bit tricky, he said. He kept attend to my work and asked me to call him if I need help. I finished! I said it with my poor Italian. Though I couldn’t fully understand what he talked but, it seemed to be, sometimes I can feel his thoughtful.

アンジェロ先生は私がノルベジェーゼのステッチを仕上げるのを手伝ってくれました。 始めと終わりはコツがいると言っていました。彼は私の作業を注意深く見てくれ、助けが必要なら呼ぶようにと言ってくれました。そしてついに終わりました!拙いイタリア語でそれを伝えました。彼が何を言っているのか完全には理解できませんでしたが、時々、彼の思いを理解することができました。

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For each amount of distance, I took out one nail and find the right hole for hand stitching. A step tested artisan’s patient as well as experience.


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My next shoes will be “one piece derby”. Now, I was taping the edge with reinforcement.

私の次の靴は “外羽根式”です。テープで縁を補強します。

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It’s not easy to stitch the quarter part that it should be stitched inside and then fold over. This technique is similar to “Olatula”, it couldn’t use glue to help you stitch, which means, would failed easily. I am quite satisfied with outcome, I made it successfully.

4分の1にあたる部分の内側をステッチし、折り畳むのは簡単ではありません。 このテクニックは “Olatula”に似ていて、接着剤を使用できず、これは失敗することにもつながります。 私は出来にとても満足しています。上手に仕上げることができました。

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The image when I finished first Norwegian hand stitching. Later, the lining needed to be separated with the upper and cut it off.


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It’s bubble tea time. There opened a new bubble tea shop near central market. Me and Andrea having a very cheerful time together.

バブルティーの時間です。 中央市場の近くに新しいバブルティーショップがオープンしました。 アンドレアと一緒にとても楽しい時間を過ごすことができました。

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Working hard at my home!


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On Friday night, we held a party at Eric’s accommodation, with endless pasta and cheese cakes. What a pleasant night!

金曜日の夜、エリックの家でパーティーをし、パスタとチーズケーキを食べ続けました。 なんて楽しい夜でしょう!

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The weather in Italy is getting hot these days. I found a good place which was good for picnic.



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At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.

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