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Student Reports

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Xiao Wangyue

Country: China
Course: Jewelry Design
Program: One-Year Course
Period: Jan 14, 2019 - Jul 26, 2019

🇬🇧 I haven’t received professional training in jewelry when I was in university. I turned to be a jewelry designer from HR during my study abroad in Japan, and rely on my love for jewelry and the embarrassment of being a designer. After studying jewelry (design and making) in Japan, I worked in Tokyo as a jewelry designer. As a newcomer to the jewelry industry, there is still a long way to go, and I hope to make breakthroughs and improvements in the next six months in Italy.

🇨🇳 并非科班出身,在日留学期间从HR转战珠宝设计,完全凭借着自己对宝饰品的这份热爱与对设计师这份职业的憧憬。在日学习了珠宝设计与制作后留在东京工作。作为珠宝界的新人,还有很长的路要走,希望在意大利的这半年中有所突破和提高。

Feb. 23, 2020 | Posted in Reports, Jewelry Design , | Tags:, Reporter: Xiao Wangyue | Course: Jewelry Design

Jewelry Design vol.21 (One-Year Course – Xiao)

1-3 和老师一起欣赏了一些早期杂志上的拍卖珠宝。选择了一个彩色钻石花型胸针,进行从照片到手绘的临摹练习。

I enjoyed some auction jewellery in the early magazines with the teacher. I chose a colorful diamond flower brooch to carry out the practice from photo to hand-painted.

Jewelry Design blog

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Interior Design blog

4-6 周末游览圣吉米尼亚古城。在老城广场喝咖啡吃早点,别有风味。非常安静美丽的小镇。

Visit the ancient city of San Gimignano on weekends. Have a coffee and breakfast in the Old Town Square. Very quiet and beautiful town.

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Interior Design blog

Interior Design blog

Interior Design blog
7 游览途中看到摆摊的手工首饰,有趣大胆的设计,忍不住买了个戒指。

During the trip, I found a handmade jewelry on the street, so interested in the fun and bold design, could not help but buy a ring.

8-10 最后一站锡耶纳老城区,古老的哥特教堂,感受艳阳下的托斯卡纳风情。站在市政厅仰望可以看到塔楼一角,站在塔楼上俯瞰田野广场与整个锡耶纳城区。不同视角不同的美。

The last stop is the old town Siena. Visit the ancient Gothic church, feel the Tuscan style under the sun. Standing in the town hall, you can see the corner of the tower, standing on the tower overlooking the Field Square and the entire Siena. Different beauty from different perspectives.

Interior Design blog

Interior Design blog

Interior Design blog


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The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.

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