Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
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Nationality: Japan
Course: Graphic Design
Program: OneYear Course
Period: Oct. 31,2016-July 28,2017
I came to Italy right after I graduated from high school to study Italian language and art. I spent my first 6 months in Siena to study at an Italian language school. While I was there, I looked for a good school for graphic design. I went back to Japan once and decided to enroll Accademia Riaci. Because my main art field had always been painting & drawing, I have been learning a lot from the life in Florence surrounded by full of artworks from the Renaissance era. I look forward to learn further more about graphic design based on my past experience.
Mar. 10, 2017 | Posted in Reports, Graphic Design , Student Reporter | Tags:Misa Yoshida, Graphic DesignReporter: Misa YOSHIDA | Course: Graphic Design
Graphic Design 7-One Year Course 2017
Now my logo design is finished, I will be designing letter paper, envelope and CD cover. Without changing the color or design, I kept working on them maintaining their unity. My work went by smoothly as all I had to do was making minor adjustments.
I printed my data out and built it up. I could recognize that my work was finally done with actual product right in front of me.
By actually touching it, however, I found some parts that needed to be adjusted, so I made corrections to the design.
この日のART VISITはフィレンツェの中心ある一風変わった教会へ行きました。
We visited an interesting church in central Florence for this week’s Art Visit. It’s a very old church that seems like just an ordinary church from outside.
But its two-story structure is very rare as a church, and thus there are many things inside that are not seen in a usual church. There is a replica of David by Donatello outside of this church.
We learned about religious paintings at another church we visited. All paintings exhibited here are drawn about the Bible stories, because the painters from this period wanted to pass the Bible stories to the general public.
This is a painting of the serpent (snake) and Virgin Mary who appeared in the story “Adam and Eve” in the Old Testament.
この日は天気も良く、せっかくなのでサント・スピリト教会(Basilica di Santo Spirito)まで足を運びました。ルネッサンス初期を代表するフィリッポ・ブルネレスキに建てられたこの教会には、ミケランジェロの彫った若いキリスト像があります。教会内は荘厳な雰囲気に包まれ、入り口にあるステンドグラスはとても見応えがあるものでした。
Since the weather was great, I decided to walk further to the Santo Spirito Church. It was built by Filippo Brunelleschi, an artist who represents the early Renaissance era. This church has a statue of young Jesus sculpted by Michelangelo. The church was filled with a solemn atmosphere, and stained glass at the entrance was totally overwhelming.
In the basic lesson today, we continued to learn about the contemporary art.
By viewing a slide show, we studied about the historical changes from the Renaissance era to the present. Compared to the Renaissance study focused mostly on the religious paintings, the art itself as well as people appreciating it has changed a lot as time progressed to the present.
A shot from I.S. (Independent Study) time.
Many of us enjoy chatting during I.S. time while we work on our assignment. We talk about a variety of things from daily matters to technical subjects.
This is what a garden looks like out of my flat’s window. It has been warm lately so many flowers such as plums are blooming. This yellow fluffy flower is very popular in Italy. Many people give this flower to their lovers, best friends, or relatives on the Valentine’s Day.
I tried cooking carbonara. As I was taught in my Sunday lunch gathering the other day, I only used egg, black pepper, salt and parmesan cheese for flavoring. Different from the Japanese version with fresh cream used, it was very delicious with strong cheese flavor.
My personal work. I try hand-drawing with a pen when I have time. I have more opportunity to draw animals now, so I make efforts to draw humans as much as possible. Pens in Italy are different from the Japanese pens I use, so I try not to waste their inks so much.
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At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.