Accademia Riaci
Student Reports

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Jioh Kang

Country: Korea
Course: Woodworking & Furniture Restoration
Program: One-Year Course
Period: Jan 14, 2019 - Jul 26, 2019

I have two years of experience working at a wood shop. My motivation to join Accademia was to expand my knowledge of craftsmanship and to accomplish the master's course. I see the incredible value of furniture design because there are no longer as many carpenters as we've had in the past. Due to the advancement of factories and machinery, there is no longer the beauty of fitted furniture which made me start to question.

Oct. 02, 2019 | Posted in Reports, Woodworking , | Tags:, Reporter: Jioh Kang | Course: Woodworking

Furniture Making & Restoration vol.4 (One-Year Course – Jioh)

Interior Design blog

The jar-shaped design is a practice that follows the original Guiseppe Magiolini, an Italian 18th century furnituremaker. The inlays of his clean design remained historically in the furniture, and his practice is still passed on today under his name. Lee’s name was passed away to Austria and Poland, and imperial style furniture from the 19th era was being developed. Gilt bronze was added to add high-end incense to his exquisite technique.
As in the case of moving the flower panels to a thick board, a jar-shaped board is also glued to a clean surface using bone paste. Work on the flower panel until the jar board is dried.

Transfer the flower panels to a thick board and, again, soak a sponge in hot water to remove the remaining newspaper and glue. When the panels are clean, try decorating the border.
Compare tree papers of various shades to find the color that will splendidly flower. I set the reddish-red color as a single border, and paint the bone horns.

Interior Design blog

Interior Design blog

꽃 패널들을 다 같이 다닥 붙여, 깉 보드에 망치로 고정을한다. 이렇게 고정 함으로서 고마락카 왁스 칠을 할때 움직임 없이 피니싱을 하다.

화요일 아침 나는 친구들과, 카시네 시장으로 행하였다. 산토 스피리토에서는 자전거로 10-15정도의 거리. 들뜬마음으로 나는 자전거에 올라타 장으로 향하였다. 끝임이 보이지 않는 카시네 공원, 공원 반 거리정도에서 부터 시작돼는 장. 화요일에는 옷이 가장 중심으로 장이 열려 있다. 음식거리들, 비싸지 않은 생활용품들, 악세사리, 가구, 그리고 더 많이 쌓여있는 소품들. 사람들이 바글바글 모여, 모래에서 바늘 찾듯 개개인 필요한 제품들을 따져보며 구매하다.
쇼핑 마지막, 점심으로 먹는 포켓타 파니노. 하염없이 사람들속을 헤치며 걸어서 지쳤질 몰라도, 이 파니노 만큼은 정말 꿀맛이였다.

Interior Design blog

Interior Design blog


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Language:   Reporter: Yang Guk HONG
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At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.

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