Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
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Arpagorn Darintapong
Country: Thailand
Course: Bag Design
Program: One-Year Course
Period: Sep 2, 2019 - Apr 24, 2020
Jul. 15, 2020 | Posted in Reports, Bag Design , Student Reporter | Tags:Arpagorn Darintapong, Bag DesignReporter: Arpagorn Darintapong | Course: Bag Design
Bag Design One-Year Course (n.5)
Sat 28.09.2019
This is my first time to visit Basilica di Santa Maria Novella, The famous church of Florence. This museum containing masterpieces frescoes of Gothic and early Renaissance. There’s also an on-going exhibition “The botany of Leonardo” exploring how Leonardo Da Vinci studied about science, nature and art. And bridging them together. In the evening I went to see the movie at Odeon cinema Firenze. This old-style cinema was built since 1920. I had never been to any cinema like this. It was so fascinating like opera house.
フィレンツェにある有名な教会、サンタ・マリア・ノヴェッラ教会に初めて行ってきました。ここは、ゴシック様式やルネサンス初期のフレスコ画の名作が展示されている美術館です。現在開催中の「レオナルドの植物学(The botany of Leonardo)」展では、レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチが科学、自然、芸術についてどのように学び、それらをつなぎ合わせたのかがテーマとなっています。夜はシネマ・オデオン・フィレンツェに映画を見に行きました。この映画館は1920年に建てられた古いスタイルの映画館。こんな映画館は初めてでした。オペラハウスみたいでとても魅力的でした。
Today in occasion of a walking charity event in Florence. Many state museums are opened for free entrance. I went to “Il Museo Nazionale del Bargello” where you can see many important works of Renaissance sculpture like the master pieces “David” of Donatello.
In the afternoon I went to “Le Cappelle Medicee” The Medici Chapels which connected to the church of San Lorenzo. It was interesting to observe the Crypt that houses the tombs of the Medici Grand Dukes and their family members along with beautiful Sagrestia Nuova, Marble sculptures designed by Michelangelo.
Today I continued sketching shoulder bags with different color palette. Prof. Veronica had help me choosing the right colors for my mood board
I had sketched some handbags. I chose some design from previous sketches adding more color and details and Prof. Veronica taught me how to sketch properly with ink and markers.
Basic lesson class:
We started the new lesson series this month of October about Theory of color. Who invented color theory and how we can use color in art and design.
I bought the new sketch book for practicing sketching with markers. There was some problem with my design on the bag strap that I need to find the solution. After researching I finally had the final sketch. Prof.Veronica as well approved the idea.
Later in the afternoon. I went to the town of “Fiesole” and did some landscape sketching with a friend.
午後遅く、 「フィエーゾレ」という町に行き、友達と風景のスケッチをしました。

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At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.