Archive for the ' Furniture Design '

Nov. 19, 2024 | Posted in
Furniture Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Kha Tu TRUONG , Furniture Design
Reporter: Kha Tu TRUONG | Course:
Furniture Design
Furniture Design One-Year Course (#12) – K T Truong
I just got an idea for my cheese grater project, it wasn’t easy for me to modeling this in Vectorwork, I tried but still couldn’t find a way. On the other hand, I printed out my pre… [Read more]
Oct. 26, 2024 | Posted in
Furniture Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Kha Tu TRUONG , Furniture Design
Reporter: Kha Tu TRUONG | Course:
Furniture Design
Furniture Design One-Year Course (#11) – K T Truong
In the previous week, I focused on making the prototype of my lamp project. First I gotta make the paper prototype and if it’s fine then I’ll move to the metal. For a lamp, the ligh… [Read more]
Jul. 24, 2024 | Posted in
Furniture Design, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Kha Tu TRUONG , Furniture Design
Reporter: Kha Tu TRUONG | Course:
Furniture Design
Furniture Design One-Year Course (#10) – K T Truong
My teacher gave me a requirement for this week, designing the holder for my bottles. That was a great task as I also needed it to go together with my designed bottles and as I was working on… [Read more]
Jul. 19, 2024 | Posted in
Furniture Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Kha Tu TRUONG , Furniture Design
Reporter: Kha Tu TRUONG | Course:
Furniture Design
Furniture Design One-Year Course (#9) – K T Truong
Continuing with using Acrylic and the concept from the orange squeezer, I came up with some ideas also for kitchen equipment, this time are bottles. For Renaissance class this week … [Read more]
Jul. 12, 2024 | Posted in
Furniture Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Kha Tu TRUONG , Interior Design
Reporter: Kha Tu TRUONG | Course:
Interior Design
Furniture Design One-Year Course (#8) – K T Truong
For the new project this week, my teacher suggested me to start from a material, therefore I decided to choose acrylic because I enjoy the aesthetic of it, can be transparent but can also be… [Read more]
Jul. 07, 2024 | Posted in
Furniture Design, Interior Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Kha Tu TRUONG , Furniture Design
Reporter: Kha Tu TRUONG | Course:
Furniture Design
Furniture Design One-Year Course (#7) – K T Truong
I finished the last step for my second project, the technical drawing. I’m still learning so it’s not the most completed drawing for production but still I’ll make sure to improve it in my n… [Read more]