Archive for the ' Fashion Design '

Oct. 24, 2019 | Posted in
Reports, Fashion Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Margarita Kokovina , Fashion Design
Reporter: Margarita Kokovina | Course:
Fashion Design
Fashion Design Short Course (n.1)
02/09/19 Working for mood board is one of the most important parts of creating the collection. The first class was devoted to this theme. Mood board is not only a beautiful picture, it must contain i… [Read more]
Oct. 24, 2019 | Posted in
Reports, Fashion Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Nina Mostert , Fashion Design
Reporter: Nina Mostert | Course:
Fashion Design
Fashion Design Semester Course (n.1)
2 September - Monday We started the day of with registration. At registration I already met great people who would do the fashion program with me. In our first class we started with individual asse… [Read more]
Oct. 18, 2019 | Posted in
Reports, Fashion Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Delgermaa Demberel , Fashion Design
Reporter: Delgermaa Demberel | Course:
Fashion Design
Fashion Design One-Year Course (n.1)
My first week in Florence was really interesting, I got lost quite a lot and I saw many beautiful buildings and cathedrals first it was hard to find my school but finally I found it (should’ve use g… [Read more]
Oct. 18, 2019 | Posted in
Reports, Fashion Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Nabila Karimah , Fashion Design
Reporter: Nabila Karimah | Course:
Fashion Design
Fashion Design Master Course (n.1)
1st week lessons This is the Accademia Riaci from outside building, the door with beautiful details and name of Accademia Riaci on left of door. We began this week with orientation day in the morn… [Read more]
Jan. 24, 2019 | Posted in
Reports, Fashion Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Astri Astariani , Fashion Design
Reporter: Astri ASTARIANI | Course:
Fashion Design
Fashion Design vol.2 – Art Short Course 2018 (a.a)
First day of my second week course was still developing the pattern that I created for my apparel collection. I designed the pattern manually and sketched different kind of pattern inspired by objec… [Read more]
Dec. 17, 2018 | Posted in
Reports, Fashion Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Astri Astariani , Fashion Design
Reporter: Astri ASTARIANI | Course:
Fashion Design
Fashion Design vol.1 – Art Short Course 2018 (a.a)
I arrive in fashion design class and began my course by making a mood board as a guide on aspiration and inspiration for my fashion collection. Since I wanted to create apparel, I should know what k… [Read more]
Nov. 15, 2018 | Posted in
Reports, Fashion Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Teh Kuan Yon , Fashion Design
Reporter: Teh Kuan Yon | Course:
Fashion Design
Fashion Design 27-One Year Course 2017
Arranging another pattern on the outfit by using transform tool in the photoshop. Correcting the flats. Arranging the portfolio. Some packing before weeks I leave Florence. Some … [Read more]
Nov. 08, 2018 | Posted in
Reports, Fashion Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Teh Kuan Yon , Fashion Design
Reporter: Teh Kuan Yon | Course:
Fashion Design
Fashion Design 26-One Year Course 2017
Doing some shadow and light rendering on the jeans by using photoshop Arranging the outit before printed out Doing some rendering and editing by the reference showing on the top left. … [Read more]
Nov. 06, 2018 | Posted in
Reports, Fashion Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Teh Kuan Yon , Fashion Design
Reporter: Teh Kuan Yon | Course:
Fashion Design
Fashion Design 25-One Year Course 2017
Portfolio references from the lecturer. Flat and design for the bottom. Flat and design for the another bottom. Arranging the bottom. Flat and design for the top. Flat and d… [Read more]
Nov. 01, 2018 | Posted in
Reports, Fashion Design , Student Reporter | Tags:
Teh Kuan Yon , Fashion Design
Reporter: Teh Kuan Yon | Course:
Fashion Design
Fashion Design 24-One Year Course 2017
I was recommended to some fashion store in Firenze by the lecturer. Bottom sketches from my collection. Top sketches from my collection. I am lucky to enough to catch Thundershower in… [Read more]