Reporter: Riho A

Dec. 04, 2023 | Posted in Senza categoria , | Tags: , Reporter: | Course: Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making One-Year Course (#11) – Riho A.

I went to the Vatican Museums. There was a statue like a pine cone in the courtyard. ヴァティカン美術館に行きました。中庭に松ぼっくりのような像がありました。 This is the inside of St. Peter's Basilica. I felt it is t… [Read more]

Nov. 28, 2023 | Posted in Senza categoria , | Tags: , Reporter: | Course: Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making One-Year Course (#10) – Riho A.

I forgot the name of the restaurant, but I went there because I wanted cheese fondue. It is located across the Arno river. 店名は忘れましたが、チーズフォンデュを食べたかったので行きました。アルノ川を渡ったところにあります I wen… [Read more]

Nov. 14, 2023 | Posted in Senza categoria , | Tags: , Reporter: | Course: Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making One-Year Course (#9) – Riho A.

We went to the Palazzo Medici Riccardi. Most of the rooms were gorgeous. メディチ・リッカルディ宮殿に行きました。部屋のほとんどの作りが豪華でした。 We went to the Church of Santa Maria Novella. I was surprised to see … [Read more]

Nov. 08, 2023 | Posted in Senza categoria , | Tags: , Reporter: | Course: Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making One-Year Course (#8) – Riho A.

I went to Venice. I had bongole bianco, which was a little difficult to finish because there were so many scallions in it, but it was very good. ヴェネツィアに行きました。ボンゴレビアンコを食べましたが貝が沢山あったので少し大変で… [Read more]

Oct. 28, 2023 | Posted in Senza categoria , | Tags: , Reporter: | Course: Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making One-Year Course (#7) – Riho A.

Exhibits at the Bargello Museum. バルジェッロ美術館の展示物です。 I took a picture of it because I thought it was unusual. 珍しいと思い写真を撮りました。 There were many weapons. I was surprised at the m… [Read more]

Oct. 25, 2023 | Posted in Senza categoria , | Tags: , Reporter: | Course: Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making One-Year Course (#6) – Riho A.

This is the statue of Dante near the Basilica of Santa Croce. サンタ・クローチェ聖堂に行きましたその時に撮ったダンテの像です。 I visited the famous Galileo Galilei Museum. ガリレオ博物館に行きました。これはガリレオの指が中に入っていると思われます。 … [Read more]

Oct. 21, 2023 | Posted in Senza categoria , | Tags: , Reporter: | Course: Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making One-Year Course (#5) – Riho A.

I participated as a volunteer at a Japanese food and sake event. Although I am not yet able to speak Italian at all, I feel like I have become able to understand things like numbers thanks t… [Read more]

Oct. 18, 2023 | Posted in Senza categoria , | Tags: , Reporter: | Course: Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making One-Year Course (#4) – Riho A.

The main way to get around the Dolomiti was by bus. However, it was difficult because they didn't show up on time and I had to book tickets online. However, the local hotel staff and cafe st… [Read more]

Oct. 12, 2023 | Posted in Senza categoria , | Tags: , Reporter: | Course: Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making One-Year Course (#3) – Riho A.

They were playing in front of the church of Santa Maria Novella. It was rare so I took a photo. サンタ・マリア・ノヴェッラ教会の前で演奏していました。珍しかったので写真を撮りました。 I took a photo at the Boboli Gardens. It… [Read more]

Sep. 25, 2023 | Posted in Senza categoria , | Tags: , Reporter: | Course: Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making One-Year Course (#2) – Riho A.

I went to the Accademia Gallery. When I actually looked at the sculpture, I was amazed at the great powers of observation of the person who made it. アカデミア美術館に行きました。実際にまじかで彫刻を見て、作った人の観察力のすごさ… [Read more]

Sep. 20, 2023 | Posted in Senza categoria , | Tags: , Reporter: | Course: Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making One-Year Course (#1) – Riho A.

Today, I walked to Piazzale Michelangelo. The view was so beautiful. この日は歩いてミケランジェロー広場まで行ってみました。眺めがとても美しかったです。 I bought gelato for the first time. I was nervous, but I managed to buy i… [Read more]