Students' report

Portrait of Hyoungki LEE, a Shoemaking student from Korea Hyoungki LEE
Hyoungki LEE

Country: Korea
Course: Shoemaking
Program: One-Year Course

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Ho studiato le belle arti in Corea.
Mi piacciono le scarpe tradizionali da molto tempo.
Penso che le scarpe su misura tradizionali siano un lavoro di valore artistico.
Voglio diventare un artigiano-artista delle scarpe su misura che possa soddisfare sia me stesso che tutti gli altri.
Studierò a fare scarpe divertenti nella bellissima città di Firenze.
Hyoungki LEE
Hyoungki LEE

Country: Korea
Course: Shoemaking
Program: One-Year Course

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Ho studiato le belle arti in corea.
Mi piacciono le scarpe tradizionali da molto tempo.
Penso che le scarpe su misura tradizionale e’ un lavoro di valore artistico, Voglio diventare artigiano artista delle scarpe su misura che posso soddisfare proprio io e tutti gli uomini.
Studiero’ a fare le scarpe divertente alla bella citta firenze.

Nationality: Japan
Course: Painting and Drawing
Program: One-Year
Period: Sept 07,2015-Apr.22,2016

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Painting and Drawing Course

 Marian De la Madrid Fernandez
Marian De la Madrid Fernandez

Nationality: Mexican
Course: Painting and Drawing
Program: Master
Period: Sept 07,2015-Apr.22,2016

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Painting and Drawing

I’m Marian and I studied Business Administration. Since I was a child I liked to paint and draw, and during my degree I realized my dream. I decided to come to Italy because it is known as the cradle of art. For me it ‘s a big opportunity to be in Italy and to study painting and Drawing.
Mi nombre es Marian y yo estudié Administración de empresas. Durante mi carrera me di cuenta que me gustaba mucho la pintura y el dibujo, gracias a las clases extracurriculares que llevé y decidí ser artista. Desde que soy niña me gusta mucho pintar y dibujar y solía hacerlo con mayor frecuencia. Para mi estar estudiando ahora en Italia es una gran oportunidad pues es mejor estudiar en el país donde es considerado la cuna del arte.

Nationality: Portugal
Course: Art Management
Program: Master Course
Period : Sep.7,2015-Apr.22,2016

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Arts Management

I got a Bachelor Degree in English Communications in University of Macau. I’m a free-lance dancer and choreographer. I was facing a turning point in my artistic development, I would like to take a step forwards towards my career ambition, and furthermore I’ve been impressed and inspired by western influences while expanding my individual artistic practices. As a result I’ve decided to come to Italy to undertake the Art Management Master Course.
 Yueh-Ping Chen
Yueh-Ping Chen (Bonnie)

Nationality: Taiwan
Course: Interior Design
Program: Atelier 1year Course
Period: Sept 07,2015-Apr.22,2016

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Interior Design Course

After received a business degree in Supply Chain Management in US, I went back to Taiwan working as a buyer for 5 years. But then realized that my true passion lay with Interior Design. Therefore, I chose Accademia Riaci because I believed it would help me to establish the fundamental design concept and aesthetic views in Interior Design.
我在美國拿到供應鏈管理的學士學位後回台灣擔任採購的職位五年. 但是在後面的兩年我深刻地感受到採購不是我想要的職業而是室內設計. 所以我選擇了Accademia Riaci來學習設計的理念和美感的培養,我相信在就學的這段時間,我可以從這間學校學到很多的東西.
Eri Hosokawa
Eri Hosokawa

Nationality: Japan
Course: Painting Restoration
Program: Internship Course
Period: Jun.1,2015-May 27,2016

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Painting Restoration Course

より実践的な経験を積むために、修復の都フィレンツェで学ぶことにしました。多くの事例に触れ技術の向上を目指し、最新の処置法や素材などもしっか り勉強していきたいと思います。こちらでの生活の様子やイベント、週末に訪れる教会や美術館などもお伝えしていきたいと思います。宜しくお願いします
 Yihan ZHANG

Nationality: China
Course: Jewelry Making
Program: Art Short COURSE
Period: Mar.2,2015-June 26,2015

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Jewelry Making Course

Sofia Pollano
Sofia Pollano

Nationality: Mexican
Course: Interior Design
Program: Short course
Period: Feb.9,2015-May 9

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Interior Design Course

Después de estudiar Diseño Industrial en Guadalajara, Mexico, vine a Italia a tomar un curso corto de Diseño de Interiores. Anteriormente tomé un curso de Diseño de Joyería ya que me gusta mucho pero también me interesa el diseño de interiores. Es por eso que vine a Accademia Riaci a especializarme un poco más en interiorismo.
After studying Industrial Design in Guadalajara, Mexico , I came to Italy to take a short course of Interior Design . Previously I took a course in Jewellery Design and I like it a lot but I’m also interested in interior design. That’s why I came to Accademia Riaci to specialize a little bit more.
Avika Kateprajak
Avika Kateprajak

Nationality: Thai
Course: Bag Making
Program: 1year Course
Period: Sept.7,2014-Apr.22,2015

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Bag Making Course

I have my own little brand in Thailand, I have seriously realized that I have to improve the quality of my products and the professional skills. Italy immediately came into my head as It is well known for leather product.Where can I learn from the best.
Emilia Asanza

Nationality: Ecuador
Course: Jewelry Design and Jewelry Making
Program: Jewelry Design Semester+Jewelry Making Semester
Period: Sept.8,2014-Apr.24,2015

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Jewelry Making / Design

She studied jewelry making in Ecuador for 3 years, and came to Italy to study new techniques of Jewelry. She chose Italy because Italy is the cradel of arts and place with great artists. She’d also like to learn more about culture, gastronomy and Italian people.
Hsiu Ya Chang
Hsiu Ya Chang

Nationality: Taiwan
Course: Bag Making
Program: Master 1year Course
Period: Sept.8,2014-Apr.24,2015

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Bag Making Course

昨年、カバン制作一年コースを勉強して、さらにカバンの技術を身につけたくなり、二年目はマスターコースを選びました。 将来もカバン作りの仕事がしたいので、ファッションとしてのカバンだけではなく、フィレンツェでしか学べないいろんな特別な革技術も学びたいです。
Yi-Chen Chou

Nationality: Taiwan
Course: Shoe Making
Program: Master 1year Course
Period: Sept.8,2014-Apr.24,2015

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Shoe Making Course

With medical background specializing in biomechanics of lower extremity, Yi-Chen Chou is interested in producing bespoke shoes for both general population and people with special needs. By taking the entry level of shoe making course last year at Florence, she has now equipped with the fundamental skills of shoemaking, and would like to learn more advanced shoemaking techniques as well as to integrate the gained knowledge onto prospective orthopedic shoes using customized lasts through her second year.
Yukari Nakai
Yukari Nakai

Nationality: Japan
Course: Bag Making
Program: Atelier 1year Course
Period : Sep.8,2014-Apr.24,2015

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Bag Making Course

2014年9月から2015年4月まで、バッグメイキングについて学びます。 カバンの基礎やフィレンツェの様子など、写真を通して皆さんに伝えていきたいと思います。よろしくお願いします。
 Natasha Cigarroa
Natasha Cigarroa

Nationality: USA
Course: Painting and Drawing
Program: Summer Course
Period: July 7,2014-July 31,2014

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Painting and Drawing Course

She has taken a 1 year of art classes in USA and came to Italy to brush up her skills utilizing her summer holidasy!
Thacha R.

Nationality: Thai
Course: Bag Making
Program: Master course in Bag Making
Period: Feb.24,2014-Dec.12,2014

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Bag Making

Miss Thacha, after studying various techniques and a unique style in her country from a trainer who graduated at Accademia Riaci, she decided to go to our school to attend our Master course in Bag Making. “I consider Florence as the heart of leather art where not only big industry and traditional artisanship is flourished, but also a place where I can learn and absorb everything around me, keeping my motivation and creativity high all the time”.
She also attended a semester course in Italian Language at ABC de’ Conti.
Jude Zaccheus

Nationality: Singapore
Course: Leather Art
Program: One-year Course
Period: Jan.13,2014–July 31,2014

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Leather Art Course

Jude, studeid got a degree in Business, but he always had passion for leather crafts and has been practicing leather art locally, but then he decided to come to Italy to learn from the best, to follow his dream to start his own leather product brand of unique style of design, and in future to run a small school.
Worapan Punnachaiya

Nationality: Thai
Course: Bag Making
Program: Master Course
Period: Oct.14,2013-Sept.26,2014

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Bag Making Course

He got BA degree in Industrial Design in Thailand, and after doing internship in leather laboratory in Bangkok, he decided to come to Italy in order to specialize in bag making, especially on leather curving and decoration holes.
Hyunjin KIM

Nationality: Korea
Course: Shoe Making
Program: 1year COURSE
Period: Oct.14,2013-June 6,2014

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Shoe Making Course

After studying Oriental painting in South Korea, she came to Italy to study shoes in which she was interested in since her childhood.
Sh first studied shoe design at Polimoda, and then decided to join Accademia Riaci to focus on the techniques of shoe making.
She is now studying under skilled artisan in Florence, and she decided to extend her shoe making corse for another year to deepen the knowledge and achieve higher level of shoe making techniques, to follow her future dream of opening her own atelier.

Nationality: Finland
Course: Jewelry Making
Program: 1year ATELIER COURSE
Period: Oct.14,2013-June 6,2014

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Jewelry Making Course

She completed her BA degree in Fine Arts in 2011. Having studied sculpture, photographing, stone cutting, lost wax casting,electroforming and contemporary jewellery, she decided to follow her interest and focus on more traditional goldsmithing techniques. She came to Florence, the most famous city of art and craftmanship in Italy, to study jewelry making and also attended to courses specialized in hand engraving and Florentine fret saw piercing with highly skilled rofessors.

Course' report


Nationality: Japan
Course: Internship
Program: Internship
Period: Jul. 2,2015- Jun. 3,2016

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Internship Course


Nationality: Japan
Course: Internship
Program: Internship
Period: Jul. 1,2015- Jun. 30,2016

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Internship Course

アカデミアリアチのアシスタントをしています。 学校内の授業風景や、学生さんの日常生活、フィレンツェで起こるいろんな出来事をお伝えしていきたいと思います!
Francis Waplinger

Nationality: USA
Course: Shoe Making

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Shoe Making Course


Course' report


Country: Japan
Course: Shoe Making

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Shoe Making Course



Shoe Making 2-Atelier One-Year Course 2015

I miei amici sono venuti a firenze dalla corea.Loro sono i…
Language:   Reporter: Hyoungki LEE
Course: Shoe Making Course

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Shoe Making 1-Atelier One-Year Course 2015

Lui e’ il nostro maestro Angelo, lui ci ha spiegato di str…
Language:   Reporter: Hyoungki LEE
Course: Shoe Making Course

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Living in Florence (Shoe Making) 15.6.8 : Assistant Report 30

The Duomo An iconic fountain in Florence. Lovel…
Language:   Reporter: Francis Waplinger
Course: Shoe Making Course

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